This cemetery is located in the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of section 31-16-37, Wichita County, Kansas.
We found in the records of the register of deeds that James G. Donnell deeded one and one-half acres to the trustees of Parks Presbyterian Church on June 13, 1893. Then on July 1, 1893, he deeded two acres to the Parks Church for a cemetery with the stipulation that it should always remain a free burial ground.
The first person buried there was Grandma Ganson. She was born in 1853 and died in 1893. Melissa Greenwalt died May 6, 1893; she was thirty-four years, eleven months and sixteen days of age. There are some 120 or more graves. Lettering on some of the native stone markers has weathered away.
Courtesy of ‘History Of Wichita County Kansas – Volume 1’. Compiled by John K. Glanville.
Map of Carwood Cemetery-click on the thumbnail below to see a larger version then use your browser's back button to return to this page.
Picture of the Carwood Cemetery taken April 12, 2000-click on the thumbnail below to see a larger version then use your browsers back button to return to this page.
Picture of the first grave in Carwood-click on the thumbnail below to see a larger version then use your browsers back button to return to this page.