History of the Wichita County Genealogical Society

by Connie Mitchell

    In February of 1997 the Wichita County Recreation Commission asked Janice Rewerts if she would give a workshop on Genealogy.  This seemed like a good idea but Janice felt more genealogist could present more ideas.  She asked Karen Walk, Connie Mitchell and Lori Graff if they would help her.  They all consented and met at Janice's home for the first meeting.  There were about 10 in attendance and the next week more.  When the workshop ended no one wanted to quit!  Everyone was enthused and wanted to continue.  The problem now was where, as we had outgrown Janice's living room a long time ago.  Connie was talking to Pat Norton and mentioned our dilemma.  She had an immediate solution.  She asked  the Wichita County Historical Museum Board if we could use one of the rooms in the museum.  At the present it was being used for a storage room and all we had to do was clean it out and it was ours!!  We were delighted and quickly accepted the kind offer.  We now had a place to meet!
    An organizational meeting was held March 3, 1997, and officers were elected.  Pres., Connie Mitchell, VP, Janice Rewerts, Secretary, Karen Walk, Treasurer, Sheila Campas and Reporter, Lori Graff.  
     From there it has just blossomed.  Sheila read in her church bulletin of some wonderful cubicles that were being given away.  We borrowed a trailer and picked up eight cubicles which fit into our room perfectly.  We have been very fortunate to have so much help from our local people.  The Wichita County Thrift Shop has given us money to help buy our computer, and the Museum Board has been very generous in helping us any way that they could and we can never thank them enough.   We are grateful to any and all who have helped.
    To obtain the things that we felt were necessary we have served farm sales, raffled off a beautiful wooden stroller that was generously made and donated by Judy Lechtenberg, plus all of the free donations by not only the members but the local people of our town.
    Our society continues to grow.  Genealogy is something that continues on and on.  One can never say, "I have my genealogy all done."  Therefore we hope to continue growing to meet the needs of not only our community but the counties and states surrounding us.