Map of the Leoti Cemetery-click on the thumbnail below to view a larger
version then use your browser's back button to return to this page. This map
isn't very clear or good quality as it was reduced from a much larger map and
then scanned for this web page.
Be patient-it takes quite a little while to load this map.

At the register of deeds office in Leoti, Numeral Index Volume
36-1 A refers us to Miscellaneous Record Book A, page 65. There we find the
following: A tract of land 953 1/2 fee by 933 1/2 fee containing 20.4 acres in
the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 19-18-36 donated and
conveyed by Leonard D. Cowen and wife Ella to I.O.O.F. Lodge, Number 297, of
Leoti, Kansas. The date was June 23, 1887. It was recorded by Thomas F.
Calhoun, Wichita County Register of Deeds.
On April 16, 1889, the trustees of I.O.O.F. Lodge, Number 297,
deeded the above plot to the I.O.O.F Cemetery Association, recorded by J. D.
Donnel, Wichita County Register of Deeds.
The first marked grave is that of James D. Callahan, who died
in 1884 and is buried in circle 5, lot 4, space 4. To the north in the alley
is a grave of Joanna Callahan, who died in 1887. I judge that she was buried
before the cemetery was plotted, but not necessarily so because others have
been mistakenly buried outside their given plot.
This a beautifully plotted cemetery laid out in a wagon wheel
design. No doubt the person who designed it came here in a covered wagon.
We did find in the Sheriff Deeds, Volume 10, page 189, that
Sheriff John H. Edwards sold the cemetery mentioned above to W. B. Washington
on November 19, 1891, for $832.83, giving him a tax deed.
The cemetery continued to carry the I.O.O.F. name until October
18, 1934, when Hershel L. Washington and wife Helen (heirs of W. B.
Washington) deeded it to the city of Leoti.
The city of Leoti gave and deeded the cemetery to Wichita
County. It became a part of the Wichita County Cemetery Association. This
action is recorded in Volume 38, page 365, Quitclaim Deed Records, following
the action taken in to a petition circulated by Lloyd Mathes and John Fisher
and signed by qualified electors of the county, which was duly acted upon by
the county commissioners: Charles F. Durham, chairman: Glen white and Arthur
McCowan, members; Rose Fetty, county clerk, as recorded in the board
meeting minutes, dated June 5, 1961.
Courtesy of ‘History of Wichita County Kansas – Volume 1’. Compiled
by John K. Glanville.
Picture of the Leoti Cemetery taken April 12, 2000-click on the thumbnail
below for a larger version then use your browsers back button to return to this